tkinter for dell axim x30
Antonio Tovar
2010-05-03 08:54:28 UTC
I looked into this option before posting to this list.? I couldn't determine what to do with the zip file.? Windows did not recognize the extension >.patch that is on the two files in the zip file patch-for-tctlk846.zip nor could I find installation instructions on the download page.? Any >suggestions on how to install?
About the patches, I guess they are for patching source files so forget them.

Anyway, I downloaded the pack from here:


It's not the last version, but it comes with installation instructions.

May be you can figure out how to install the last release based on the
instructions for installing this.

If you get it, please tell us how.

Ron Harris
2010-05-09 17:15:41 UTC
Antonio and Adam,

Well I got it tkinter going on my Dell Axim X30 with Windows Mobile 3.0 SE.  These are the stops I took:

1)  Installed latest version of PythonCE from sourceforge.  I used the latest PythonCESetup.exe, which when executed on a Vista PC enables you to install the program through the Windows Mobile Device Center.  (Programs and Services, Add/Remove Programs).

I installed PythonCE with the "Install program files into the default installation folder" option unchecked.  I installed it to Built-In Storage.

2)  I downloaded Tkinter-files.zip from the same sourceforge page.  I found it in the sourceforge PythonCE folder Python_CE_2.3.4-1.  I unzipped in on my PC and put the files from its Windows folder into the Windows folder on my Axim X30 and put the other files into Built-In Storage.

3)  I ran the 3 step tkinter test found here:


4)  At some point, in the test it told me that it couldn't find init.py,  and it gave me a list of folders that it searched.  Based on this, I moved the subfolders out of their folder (was it lib?) and into the root directory of built-in storage and retested.  Et voila.  Ca marche.

Let me repeat more briefly and perhaps more sensibly in imperative mood:

1)  Download lastest PythonCE from sourceforge and install to Axim's Built-In Storage.

2) Download Tkinter-files.zip from same sourceforge location and unzip on a PC.  Copy the files from the Windows folder (celib.dll, etc) into the Windows folder on Axim.  Copy the subfolder named library to Built-In Storage.  Copy the folder named tk8.4 to Built-In Storage.

Tkinter should now be working.  Can I be more specific?  Built-In Storage now has the following folders:  PythonCE Python25, tk8.4, and library.  Three dll's added to My Device\Windows folder

It's pretty simple actually but nevertheless it wasn't that easy to figure it out.  I don't see why Tkinter has to be manually installed when the rest of pythonce is installed by the setup program.  It seems like it took a month just to get tkinter working and it seemed touch and go the whole time when it should've been a no brainer.   Now that it's going, I'm a happy camper.

BTW, I was also able to get ppygui running but will make my first pass and hopefully final on my program with tkinter. 

Thanks for your invaluable help and encouragement.  Without it I would have held this task to be impossible.


From: Antonio Tovar <***@gmail.com>
To: ***@python.org
Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:28 AM
Subject: Re: [PythonCE] tkinter for dell axim x30

I looked into this option before posting to this list.? I couldn't determine what to do with the zip file.? Windows did not recognize the extension >.patch that is on the two files in the zip file patch-for-tctlk846.zip nor could I find installation instructions on the download page.? Any >suggestions on how to install?
About the patches, I guess they are for patching source files so forget them.

Anyway, I downloaded the pack from here:


It's not the last version, but it comes with installation instructions.

May be you can figure out how to install the last release based on the
instructions for installing this.

If you get it, please tell us how.

